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Loader vibrant for rotary kilns

caricatrice-vibrante-per-forni rotativi

Loader for vibrant crucible furnaces


Loader to push for hearth furnaces

caricatrice-vibrante-per-forni a suola

Project Building Mechanical and Technical Advice

Our experience in the field of 2D and 3D design related to the field of mechanics allows us to provide customers with a valid support in achieving targeted and cost-competitive products.
The loader for melting furnaces are designed to allow a weighing instant during storage of the scrap in the feed hopper so as to quantify the load of the oven according to the daily cycles.
For small furnaces are operated by loaders forklifts always pushing system.
Staying within the foundry for aluminum we also deal with tank furnaces fixed and folding, as well as fixed and tilting crucible furnaces.

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